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Election Judge

Judges of elections are responsible for the administration of election procedures in the polling place on Election Day. They are in the position of ensuring that the election process is administered fairly and in accordance with the law.
Duties Include:
To open and close the polls.
To be responsible for all election materials.
To ensure that only qualified voters are permitted to vote and that each qualified voter is permitted to vote once and only once.
To ensure that all votes are cast in secret.
To give instructions in the method of voting when requested by a voter.
To give assistance to illiterate and physically disabled voters.
To maintain order in the polling place throughout the day.
To tally the vote after the polls are closed, and to certify the election results in that precinct.
If you are able and willing. Click the Register button below and you'll be taken to the DuPage County website where you will be able to register an an Election Judge in DuPage County.