Become a Precinct Committeeman

A Republican Precinct Committeeman is the face of the Republican Party within the precinct, and represents the Republican voters of his or her precinct at the County Republican Party level..
The Republican Precinct Committeeman’s job is in essence all about helping to grow the Republican Party and working to deliver the maximum number of Republican votes from his or her precinct on Election Day. Precinct Committeemen comprise the core of any grassroots effort and no political campaign can be successful without these front line GOP ambassadors.
Many people begin their political involvement by becoming a Precinct Committeeman. It’s the perfect place to get started for anyone interested in building a better Republican Party and advancing our GOP’s values.
As an elected or appointed Republican Precinct Committeeman, you have available to you training, resources and coordinated help that no other community organization can offer.
To accomplish our goals, we strive to win elections. The most important factor in winning elections is nominating in the Republican primaries or slating for offices candidates who are conservative, honest, and have the personal qualities that allow them to run hard for office and win elections. Committeemen traditionally have a strong voice in selecting candidates for office through a process of endorsement.
As a precinct committeeman, you will have opportunities to talk to voters, motivate a higher Republican turnout, and greatly increase the Republican vote. The more the Precinct Committeemen do, the more elections we will win, to further our common vision.